How does Fidly’s loyalty blockchain is working ? 

In Fidly we trust the futur of loyalty rewards program will be with blockchain. In fact, as you probably heard, blockchain is the core technology of a decentralized market giving opportunities to companies like us to be successful  in this market field. 

Our solution is based on a strong decentralized consortium blockchain, we connect loyalty programs between each others, and tokenized points. This tokenisation helps us to embrace every company that has different loyalty programs in the same ecosystem with only one market value on behalf of our token the FID. 

We give the opportunity to consumers to increase their satisfaction and engagement with brands and avoid unredeemed points. 

All transfers are approved by our “Smart contracts”. Our word : transparency for companies that can track their points, promote services and push consumers to redeemed their points, and transparency for clients that can spend points cross programs and burn or cash their points whenever they want.

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